Painting exhibition of Zhang Chi - Panasia Cap3000 23july - 23 oct 2022

vendredi, juillet 22, 2022 Hit: 6123

Presentation of the artist:

Born in 1984 in Xi'an, China, Zhang Chi studied architecture from an early age and along with that he began to paint.

At the age of 23, he left to study in France and during this period he visited many European museums where he broadened his artistic vision, his knowledge and found his inspiration.

After finishing his studies and having developed his creativity, his consecration for his passion: painting, becomes total.

Twenty years of creative career, during which he traveled to different countries and engaged in different professions.

These innumerable versatile experiences gave Zhang Chi great inspiration and a fresh look for conception from figurative painting to abstract painting.

Thus, painting techniques with visual presentation are used to give a spiritual thought coming from our consciousness and escaping through the different looks that we carry there forming a unique and unified artistic language.

For these watercolors, Zhang Chi created it a few months after moving to the city of Nice in January 2022.

Different from the large-format creation, the small-format watercolor captures the current mood and freezes the emotion momentarily, plunging you into an intimate dimension.

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